Career & Self-Help

My 20 for 20 List

Happy New Year everyone! It’s the second day of 2020 and a new decade, so I want to start the year by talking about goals.

As y’all know, I love Gretchen Rubin and Liz Craft who came up with the idea of a 20 for 20 list. Here’s what you do: write down 20 things you want to accomplish in 2020. What better way to start the roaring 20s than by taking stock of what you want to achieve?

Here you are, friends, my 20 for 20 list. I hope it inspires you to determine your own goals.

  1. Finally buy and completely update a new computer.
  2. Finish edits to second novel.
  3. Post to blog 3x per week.
  4. Post writing-focused content on Instagram 3x per week and Twitter 10x per week.
  5. Find a home for first or second novel.
  6. Drop How to Get an Analytics Job podcast episodes 1x week.
  7. Create second novel pitch materials and apply to literary agents. See number 5.
  8. Write a short story and apply to at least 10 short story contests.
  9. Offer career guides on career coaching website to help people who want tangible strategies for career exploration, networking, resume writing, and interviewing.
  10. Host a party at our house.
  11. Have coffee chats with writing friends/mentors to connect to my writing community, ask friends/family to lunch and dinner, and plan fun outings.
  12. Refinance student loans.
  13. Contribute to Roth IRA.
  14. Increase business revenue.
  15. Travel.
  16. Read.
  17. Apply to Author Mentor Match.
  18. Take on additional freelance/ghostwriting opportunities.
  19. Follow your own path.
  20. Lead a healthy lifestyle with exercise and eating well.

Since I split my professional time between my career coaching business and writing, you’ll see a lot of goals related to those. I also have some personal priorities like traveling, living a healthy lifestyle, connecting with friends and family, and hosting a party at our house.

You’ll notice I have a few broad items like read and travel. For me, putting a quantifying number on those feels a little forced. I know I’ll travel even if it’s a short day trip somewhere and I know I’ll read. They’re on the list as reminders of my priorities.

Gretchen Rubin mentions having an item you can cross off immediately. I’ve been wanting to update my technology for a while. Yesterday I set up my new computer, migrating files from my old one and installing Microsoft Office. Check. Something about putting down an easy item as your first 20 for 20 goal allows you to feel accomplished and like the list is manageable.

Finally, I have one that is kind of vague but a mantra that I’ve adopted over the years. Follow your own path. It’s in my daily goals list and in my 20 for 20 list because it serves as an important reminder.

I’m pretty ambitious (I bet you couldn’t tell from the above list) and I can easily get distracted by the comparison game of other people’s accomplishments. I start to think I need to do those things too. Work for a big corporation, travel every other weekend, live in a certain city, you name it. I constantly have to remind myself to lead my own life and follow my own path. What’s right for other people isn’t necessarily right for me. They get to do them and I get to do me. That’s the beauty of being human.

Whether you embrace the 20 for 20 list or have another way to set goals, I’m curious: what do you want to accomplish in 2020?

Photos by Thom Holmes and Haley Powers.

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