Book Recs

My Favorite Christmas Books

Last night I watched The Movies That Made Us on Netflix and it gave me an idea. Two of the movies were holiday-themed classics: Die Hard and Home Alone. Though vastly different, I loved them both and I got to thinking. There are books that I love that take place during the holidays. And you know what, I feel it’s my duty to share them with you.

You have approximately six days 13 days (trying to make Christmas come early) to take advantage of these titles. So put on those Christmas socks, turn on your twinkle lights, stoke that fireplace, and light your favorite Christmas candle. These are the books that made us or, rather, made me.

Harry Potter. This list wouldn’t be complete without the Harry Potter series. Duh. What other books did you think I’d mention? To me, the HP novels are Christmas books because they often include a snowy scene at Hogwarts or even unwrapping Christmas presents. Remember those amazing knitted sweaters Ron and Harry receive? Mrs. Weasley’s sweaters for the win.

Little Women. So sad but so good. This is a holiday book for the ages. Those ladies and their family will forever hold a place in my heart.

The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree. My mom grew up in Appalachian country, which is why I know about this book. Full disclosure, I cry every time I read it.

Silver Packages. See above. Every time.

A Christmas Carol. Yes, yes, this is a known quantity for many of us, but it’s still great. A cautionary tale about the perils of greed and the importance of giving that continues to remain relevant.

The Gift of the Magi. Shout out to O’Henry who is from my hometown.

While I’m on the subject of amazing stories set during Christmas, I also watch a few TV episodes with Christmas themes. The Downton Abbey season two finale is my all-time favorite. Finally Mary and Matthew get their lives together and realize… well, I won’t spoil it for you if you haven’t seen the series.

Victoria season two episode nine titled “Comfort and Joy” is another good one. Apparently I have a thing for British aristocratic families.

As they say across the pond, Happy Christmas, and as we say here in the American South, Merry Christmas y’all. I hope you enjoy these titles as much as I do.

I’d love to hear about your favorite stories set during Christmas. What are your favorite Christmas books, movies, and TV episodes?

Photos by Ben White and Daria Shevtsova

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