Career & Self-Help

What I’m Listening To

I love a good podcast. I’ve always enjoyed learning and this newish audio format is a great way to ingest information. Because I’m a podcast junkie, I’m highlighting a few that I’ve been enjoying recently. Get your earbuds ready.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin. If you want practical strategies for increasing your happiness and improving your habits, this is the podcast for you.

Happier in Hollywood. Liz Craft and Sarah Fain, two TV writers, host this show that dives into the reality of writing for Hollywood. The two mention everything there is to know about the business and include some great wisdom for aspiring authors and TV writers.

Her Money with Jean Chatzky. Geared towards women of all ages, Her Money is a weekly reminder to make smart choices with your dollar bills.

Side Hustle School with Chris Gillaboa. Dude, if you’ve ever been curious about all the ways people make money, this podcast’s for you. A business that ships live bait to people? Yes, that’s a thing. A person who makes money waiting in line for people. Yep, that exists in the universe. Browse through the episodes and think about what kind of side hustle you want to create. Or simply listen to all the fascinating products and services out there.

All of these podcasts are great listens, but choose whichever one most interests you. I’ll be curious to hear what you think. What other podcasts do you recommend?

Photos by Burst and Pixabay.

1 Comment

  1. Why Writing Is Powerful – Write to Wonder

    November 21, 2019 at 5:54 am

    […] know from a recent post that I love a good podcast. This week I listened to the Happiness Lab where Dr. Laurie Santos […]

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