Career & Self-Help

The Importance of Rest: Building to Shavasana

One of my good friends from grad school is studying to become a yoga instructor. We met to go to a class a few weeks ago—yes the one at the barcade—and I told her my favorite part of yoga is shavasana.

You know the pose. The one where you lie down at the end, close your eyes, and just rest. Yep, that’s what I love about yoga. The position that’s basically like sleeping. But here’s something I didn’t know. She told me that in yoga there’s this idea of building towards shavasana, strengthening your mind and body, then resting afterwards.

It got me thinking. We could all use that concept in our daily lives. Imagine if you hammered out 1500 words, stretching yourself to write, then rested by reading or walking outside? What if you pushed yourself to run five miles, then you got to flop on the couch and nap? I mean really. I think we take for granted the power of rest.

In today’s world where everyone talks about busyness (see Laura Vanderkam’s book for more on the idea), what if we told ourselves it was okay to rest? What if it was not only okay but vital? Think about it this way, we’d never say, “I’m just not going to sleep for a few days” because we know that sleep is necessary for us to thrive. The same is true with our minds and in our work.

Otherwise, those deadlines, those big projects, those ten miles start to feel insignificant because we aren’t taking the time to celebrate and recharge. Our brains are thinking, great I finished another item on my to-do list, but who cares because I have so much more to do.

Take a moment. Breathe. Rest. Reward yourself before moving on even if it’s in some small way. Doing so will help you recharge and savor the accomplishment, so next time you’ll be pushing for that feeling. You’ll be pushing for that moment of relaxation.

Here’s a few ideas for how to rest after you finish a project, whether that’s a work accomplishment, a creative goal, or planning a party.

  • Take a walk outside even if it’s only for ten minutes
  • Read during your lunch break
  • Grab coffee or lunch or a drink with a friend
  • Draw, color, doodle, fill in an adult coloring book
  • Watch an episode of your favorite show on Netflix
  • Take a nap
  • Go on a date with your significant other
  • Stay in with your significant other

Remember that the power isn’t only in the poses, pushing yourself to achieve those accomplishments, but also in shavasana, the resting afterwards. It’s that balance of achievement and rest that will keep you excited for the next challenge. So take a moment and just rest.

If you’re looking for permission, consider it granted. Now I’m off to take a walk.

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