Book Recs

What to Read to Change Your Life

As an avid reader, a few books stick in my mind as difference makers. These books changed my life in some way, pushed me to think differently, or forced me to stretch myself. I’m a huge believer in books coming to you when you need them most. A wacky way of the universe delivering exactly what you need to hear. The ones that changed my life are the ones I’m bestowing to you. Perhaps they’ll find you at just the right time too.

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Nothing will make you realize how insignificant you are than Sapiens. Knowing that you are just one in the billions of people who have walked this earth for the last 200,000 years is somehow freeing. Knowing that you only have 100 years, at best, to accomplish what you want is motivating.

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. To alter your life you don’t have to make audacious changes like moving across the country or breaking up with your girlfriend. Use small tweaks to create great change with Gretchen Rubin’s system.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k by Mark Manson. Part reminder of your insignificance (see Sapiens description) part Buddhist philosophy, Manson’s book points out one important thing: the secret to happiness is the struggle. Don’t believe me? Check out a copy at your local library or buy it on your kindle. You’ll see.

The Defining Decade by Meg Jay. Aimed at twenty somethings and the parents of twenty somethings to dispel the myth that your twenties don’t matter. For everyone else, a good reminder that life’s successes often take 10 years to achieve. There’s no reason you can’t start now.

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