Writing and Querying

Why the Stark Kids Got the Endings they Deserved

I finished GOT and I have so many thoughts. Since I love the Starks, I’m focusing on why I think their final scenes fit with their characterizations and motivations. That rhymes!

Spoiler alert: Stop reading if you don’t want to know the ending.

After some thought, I’ve realized that the surviving Stark kiddos got exactly what they deserved. Hear me out.

Though I definitely rooted for a Jon and Daenerys fire and ice baby, I’m ok with Jon’s fate. At first, I didn’t like it. I wanted him and Dany to rule as a fierce power couple, but really that’s not what Jon wanted. Jon has been drawn towards the free folk for many seasons. Remember Ygritte from seasons two through four?

Besides, he never really wanted to lead. Leading was always thrust upon him. Instead he’s wanted freedom, has never cared much about titles, and hasn’t wanted to “bend the knee” for anyone. So, given a few weeks to process, I’m cool with how things turned out. Living with the free folks fits with his motivations and desires.

Sansa got exactly what she wanted, too. Queen of the North. We knew she was vying for power, that she was smart and capable, and this seems like the perfect way for her to rule. Unlike Jon, she did enjoy the titles and pageantry. She both desired to lead and was good at it. She’s always wanted a chance to prove herself and now she has a big one. So, Sansa also ended up in a situation that falls in line with her motivations and her character.

Arya lucked out as well. After a turned down proposal, she’s traveling to the edge of the world, which again is really what Arya’s character has wanted for some time. Besides, she’s an adventurer and as she said, “not a lady”. Can’t put her in a cage, albeit a very nice castle-like one with Gendry. No, Arya has long been adventurous, determined, strong, and independent. Like Jon, she had little use for titles. She wanted to see what was west of Westeros. And now she can.

So, those three got what they deserved. They pursued their motivations, staying in line with their character traits.

Bran, the king of the six kingdoms, perhaps got the worst deal. I know, I know, “He’s king!” you’re saying but he never wanted to be. He’s ruling out of obligation and because he probably is the best choice given he knows the entire history of the seven kingdoms.

So, while it took me a minute to accept the endings for the lovely Stark family, in many ways I’m content with their conclusions. Mainly because I think they logically follow the motivations of each character. I think the Starks truly received happy endings. Who knew GOT could deliver such a thing?

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